Monday, June 24, 2013

Back in America (For Two Weeks)

Wow. I think my body and mind have gone into culture shock. Complicated by the fact I arrived in America on earlier on the same day that I left Japan. So this has been the Monday that never ends!

Also it's raining!!!! What's up with that?

I hear after you've been away from home for a while you're supposed to come back and think everything's so much smaller... I came back to my old room and was like, "Wow! Everything's so much BIGGER than I remember!" Really, I feel like a child dwarfed by the huge mirror, wardrobes, bed, and bookcase. I think this room could eat my room in Japan and spit it out.

But both look like the same style, so that is a little comforting.

Other impressions of America: it's bizarre to be seeing foreigners all the time. People look like cartoon characters, not normal people. Whenever I see an asian person, I think, "Oh, they're wait, they might be Chinese..." And everybody's SO LOUD in English! My ears and eyes are being assaulted.

Stores feel really weird because everyone's so informal. I feel so awkward blabbing out my order to the salesclerks.

One day at home and I'm already homesick!!!!!

On the bright side, Starbucks is cheaper.

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