Tuesday, November 26, 2013


For some reason I was thinking about modesty. Not that I really have a deep opinion. But everyone's got to deal with it in some form, so this is my attitude...

Once you're a grown up, it's soooooo not an issue.

Yes. When you're a teenage, there's a few years when you have no idea what's cool and what looks good on you--and even what actually fits--so you flail around wearing stupid things until you finally figure out what works. And then every few years your opinion of what works evolves depending on what's practical.

This is a process everyone goes through, and no point complaining about it. Lectures on modesty probably won't help teenagers that much because they're still teenagers and are still developing a sense of taste.

(And if they're getting lectures about modesty they probably don't have a lot of freedom in general...)

Anyway, in the real world modesty has no magic power over sex. After a certain point you realize that the boobs are still there under a baggy t-shirt. And girls know they're there. And dudes know girls know they know they're there. And that's the fun. It's like class. If you know you've got it, there's no need to show it off.

And (it seems) once you get in the bedroom, cargo shorts are just as easily to take off as hot pants, if the girl wants to take them off. The guy could care less about clothes, as long as the needless distractions go away as quickly as possible.

So when I see a girl dressed "immodestly," I usually think one of three things.

1. She actually doesn't think she's attractive and is overcompensating.
2. She has no freedom and is trying to be sexual the only way she knows how.
3. She is actually dressing according to the norm for her usual peer group.

In the end, I don't dress modestly because I'm virtuous or mature or wise. I don't wear hooker clothes because I don't know how to wear them and I'd look stupid. I wear leggings under my skirt because it's cold and that's the only reason.

Is the best motivation for "modesty" vanity? It's a mixed up  world...

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