Pretty soon I won't be in Japan so it won't make any sense to call this blog "In Japan." In short, I'll have to start a new one! I wonder what I should call it...I want to be witty but all the witty names are already taken, or they sound silly.
If I try to come up with something really creative, it will just end up being pretentious. So maybe I'd better just call my blog "Stephanie's Random Thoughts" and go with the super literal title.
I don't know if anyone would be interested in reading "Stephanie's Random Thoughts," but at least I'll know that my readers are getting an accurate title. They won't be tricked into reading mediocre blog posts by hearing a title like "Incredibly Well-Thought-Out Insights by a Really Smart Person."
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Clothes Donated!
I'm slowing getting closer to having all my stuff packed up. On Saturday I got rid of two bags of clothes! My closet is already emptier. The Pastor's family at my church has two teenage daughters, so they agreed to look through my old stuff and then they'll take whatever they don't like to a thrift store. They asked if I wanted anything back after they looked through my clothes, and I was like...nah. I don't want to deal with it.
So on Saturday I packed everything into my brown suitcase (luckily I didn't have to expand it) and rolled the suitcase over to church. It felt kind of dumb to have this big suitcase on the train when I wasn't even traveling, and even dumber on the way back when it was empty. At church I repackaged everything into plastic bags and the Murray family could take the stuff in their car.
However, depending on how packing goes I might have to get rid of more stuff in a few weeks! Bleh.
I was surprised that the suitcase felt so light on the way over. Because I stuffed it full, and there were some boots in there too in addition to clothes. I have to walk a few blocks to the station and then for about 10 minute to church after I get off the train in Asaminami. But it really wasn't too difficult. And I could stuff anything I didn't want to carry in my purse into the suitcase so for once I wasn't worried about bringing too much stuff. I win!
So on Saturday I packed everything into my brown suitcase (luckily I didn't have to expand it) and rolled the suitcase over to church. It felt kind of dumb to have this big suitcase on the train when I wasn't even traveling, and even dumber on the way back when it was empty. At church I repackaged everything into plastic bags and the Murray family could take the stuff in their car.
However, depending on how packing goes I might have to get rid of more stuff in a few weeks! Bleh.
I was surprised that the suitcase felt so light on the way over. Because I stuffed it full, and there were some boots in there too in addition to clothes. I have to walk a few blocks to the station and then for about 10 minute to church after I get off the train in Asaminami. But it really wasn't too difficult. And I could stuff anything I didn't want to carry in my purse into the suitcase so for once I wasn't worried about bringing too much stuff. I win!
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Temples Aren't Scary
Living in a foreign country for two years has changed me a lot. I think I've changed more over the last two years in Japan than I changed all four years of college. And college changed me a lot! There's too many things to list, but one thing that Japan changed about me is I'm no longer uncomfortable around temples, shrines, or religious works of art.
Sure, I've seen paintings of saints before. You can't throw a brick in most of Europe without hitting some centuries-old cathedral. And all art museums are pretty much divided into art depicting Greek mythology and paintings of the Virgin Mary.
But it's all Christian, of course. (And Greek pagan, but we don't count those as idols because ART. Also white people did them.)
"As it should be!" a lot of my friends could counteract. Yeah, I suppose. When I was a kid I felt really weird looking at any depictions of deities or religious figures that weren't Christian. Those were weird idols and maybe they were evil too.
I guess if anyone had asked me I would have said that 90% of the world religions were worshiping thin air. But it was always possible that demons might muck things up just because.
Coming to Japan was the first time I'd been in a country were all the cool cultural stuff was part of a non-Christian religion. Everything's either Shinto and Buddhist. Luckily, by this point was I was adult enough to appreciate temples and shrines for their aesthetic appeal and not be put off by the fact I didn't share that culture.
Still, at the beginning I felt a little awkward. I went to a shrine on new year's and wondered if it would be sacrilegious to throw a 5 yen coin into a little box because that was a pagan ceremony. I still did it but felt weird at the same time.
Then after about a year, I realized that I had stopped feeling weird. The atmosphere of the little shrines was simply a part of what I loved about Japan. Seeing them tucked away into the city, going there for festivals and getting a paper fortune. There was absolutely nothing to be afraid of. The only power was the power of tradition--which for real can be powerful and scary--and I could appreciate it without guilt.
Honestly, even though I felt uncomfortable around religious symbols in the past, that wasn't limited to non-Christian ones. I felt so awkward seeing a blue-eyed Jesus staring soulfully at me from someone's wall. And seeing an artfully draped near-nude emaciated corpse held up for veneration in a cathedral. Gives me the creeps.
So now my opinion on religious places is they have exactly as much power as people give them. If your faith is strong, I don't think appreciating a different religion will really affect you. (And if you're a skeptic to start with, you won't be jumping at shadows.)
I don't think Japan is a "dark" country or a "spiritually oppressed" country. It is a strongly secular country. Which means that most people value religion as part of their culture and not as something that tells them exactly how to live their life. Which honestly I like. No one's raised an eyebrow when I say I go to church. (They usually just ask me "Are you protestant or catholic?" which is hard to answer....There's a lot more than just two, guys!) The important thing is getting along with your friends and coworkers.
There's lots of different folks in the world, but that's what makes it interesting. Honestly I feel much more out of place when talking to people who hail from the Bible Belt portion of America. "You believe....What?" But this is a culture too. It's not my culture, but that's why I have to learn about it respectfully and not go in with a perspective of fear.
So this is how my view of religion changed in Japan. I'm really glad I got this chance to live in a foreign country!
Sure, I've seen paintings of saints before. You can't throw a brick in most of Europe without hitting some centuries-old cathedral. And all art museums are pretty much divided into art depicting Greek mythology and paintings of the Virgin Mary.
But it's all Christian, of course. (And Greek pagan, but we don't count those as idols because ART. Also white people did them.)
"As it should be!" a lot of my friends could counteract. Yeah, I suppose. When I was a kid I felt really weird looking at any depictions of deities or religious figures that weren't Christian. Those were weird idols and maybe they were evil too.
I guess if anyone had asked me I would have said that 90% of the world religions were worshiping thin air. But it was always possible that demons might muck things up just because.
Coming to Japan was the first time I'd been in a country were all the cool cultural stuff was part of a non-Christian religion. Everything's either Shinto and Buddhist. Luckily, by this point was I was adult enough to appreciate temples and shrines for their aesthetic appeal and not be put off by the fact I didn't share that culture.
Still, at the beginning I felt a little awkward. I went to a shrine on new year's and wondered if it would be sacrilegious to throw a 5 yen coin into a little box because that was a pagan ceremony. I still did it but felt weird at the same time.
Then after about a year, I realized that I had stopped feeling weird. The atmosphere of the little shrines was simply a part of what I loved about Japan. Seeing them tucked away into the city, going there for festivals and getting a paper fortune. There was absolutely nothing to be afraid of. The only power was the power of tradition--which for real can be powerful and scary--and I could appreciate it without guilt.
Honestly, even though I felt uncomfortable around religious symbols in the past, that wasn't limited to non-Christian ones. I felt so awkward seeing a blue-eyed Jesus staring soulfully at me from someone's wall. And seeing an artfully draped near-nude emaciated corpse held up for veneration in a cathedral. Gives me the creeps.
So now my opinion on religious places is they have exactly as much power as people give them. If your faith is strong, I don't think appreciating a different religion will really affect you. (And if you're a skeptic to start with, you won't be jumping at shadows.)
I don't think Japan is a "dark" country or a "spiritually oppressed" country. It is a strongly secular country. Which means that most people value religion as part of their culture and not as something that tells them exactly how to live their life. Which honestly I like. No one's raised an eyebrow when I say I go to church. (They usually just ask me "Are you protestant or catholic?" which is hard to answer....There's a lot more than just two, guys!) The important thing is getting along with your friends and coworkers.
There's lots of different folks in the world, but that's what makes it interesting. Honestly I feel much more out of place when talking to people who hail from the Bible Belt portion of America. "You believe....What?" But this is a culture too. It's not my culture, but that's why I have to learn about it respectfully and not go in with a perspective of fear.
So this is how my view of religion changed in Japan. I'm really glad I got this chance to live in a foreign country!
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Adulting Skill Unlocked: Eyedrops!
It seems like every year I learn to do something random that most people seem to do easily but I've always hated. Last year I learned how to have pierced ears and not be afraid of sticking in earrings. This week I learned how to use eye drops.
Generally, I HATE HATE HATE putting stuff in my eyes. Or near my eyes. My one experience with false lashes was painful and tedious. And I wasn't even the person putting them on. I can tolerate mascara. But you'll never see me putting eyeliner above my lower lashes--ewwwwww. That looks like a recipe for PAIN. Luckily, my eyesight is pretty good so I can get by without wearing contacts. That's how I've managed to live 26 years without getting good at sticking things in my eyeballs.
The only time I've ever had eye drops was at the eye doctor, and it was the best I could do to not jerk out of the way when someone else was putting them in. Using eye drops voluntarily was a whole bunch of NOPE.
The only reason I'm using them now is because my eyes have been really hurting lately, and it seems like some of my coworkers use some kind of eye drops. (And in one case rub their fists all over their eyes in a really weird way, but you won't catch me doing that in public.) I didn't even know what kind to get, really, so I just ended up browsing through the pharmacy and buying the brand that was the cheapest and had some English in the title.
At first the eye drop just ran down my cheek because I kept missing. But guess what? After two or three times, I got the hang of it. I can now do eye drops. It was surprisingly easy.
I didn't know how they were supposed to work, so the first time I used the eye drops the pupil of my eye dilated to three times its usual size. I was thinking, "Hmmm that looks pretty weird. It will go away, though, right?" The next morning, my eyes were still really dilated! I went into work thinking, "Nope, I didn't do any drugs this morning....Definitely not stoned, people. Just don't look too close, okay?" But luckily no one noticed.
My Japanese teacher told me that contracted pupils are a sign of tiredness that the eye drops were supposed to help with.
After a few days I noticed, "Hey, that skin around my eyes that I thought was supposed to be red, actually it's pale pink! Who knew?" I'm hoping my eyes look less tired now in the evenings after work. But I might switch to a different brand now that I know eye drops work for me.
Generally, I HATE HATE HATE putting stuff in my eyes. Or near my eyes. My one experience with false lashes was painful and tedious. And I wasn't even the person putting them on. I can tolerate mascara. But you'll never see me putting eyeliner above my lower lashes--ewwwwww. That looks like a recipe for PAIN. Luckily, my eyesight is pretty good so I can get by without wearing contacts. That's how I've managed to live 26 years without getting good at sticking things in my eyeballs.
The only time I've ever had eye drops was at the eye doctor, and it was the best I could do to not jerk out of the way when someone else was putting them in. Using eye drops voluntarily was a whole bunch of NOPE.
The only reason I'm using them now is because my eyes have been really hurting lately, and it seems like some of my coworkers use some kind of eye drops. (And in one case rub their fists all over their eyes in a really weird way, but you won't catch me doing that in public.) I didn't even know what kind to get, really, so I just ended up browsing through the pharmacy and buying the brand that was the cheapest and had some English in the title.
At first the eye drop just ran down my cheek because I kept missing. But guess what? After two or three times, I got the hang of it. I can now do eye drops. It was surprisingly easy.
I didn't know how they were supposed to work, so the first time I used the eye drops the pupil of my eye dilated to three times its usual size. I was thinking, "Hmmm that looks pretty weird. It will go away, though, right?" The next morning, my eyes were still really dilated! I went into work thinking, "Nope, I didn't do any drugs this morning....Definitely not stoned, people. Just don't look too close, okay?" But luckily no one noticed.
My Japanese teacher told me that contracted pupils are a sign of tiredness that the eye drops were supposed to help with.
After a few days I noticed, "Hey, that skin around my eyes that I thought was supposed to be red, actually it's pale pink! Who knew?" I'm hoping my eyes look less tired now in the evenings after work. But I might switch to a different brand now that I know eye drops work for me.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Recovering from a cold...
Tonight my cold feels slightly better. Today and yesterday I had bouts of violent sneezing and tears and snot running down my face. Bleh. I think the office is dusty, which is aggravating my symptoms.
I just bought eye drops, but they made my pupils dilate a ton! Are they supposed to do that? I'm not sure I can use them at work because you shouldn't be on the computer when your eyes are dilated. Bleh. My coworker's always using eyedrops or rubbing his hands all over his face. Which makes me go Argh. I'd rub my face too cuz my eyes hurt, but FOUNDATION. Seriously. Ladies learn that we can't touch our faces unless it's in the early morning before we get made up or in the evening after we've washed our faces.
Meh. I don't think it's good to always be touching your face anyway.
In other news, I am also ready to be moving on to the next step in my career path. Whatever it is.
Good news for this week is I saw American Sniper on Sunday! I'm not sure how I feel about the movie. I was more interested in the sniper part than the America part. It certainly did feel rather whitewashed. The Chris Kyle character for the movie was strictly a self-sacrificing hero. However, the person I was with enjoyed the movie and thought it was the most badass story ever, so I also had a good time.
There was a scene in a bar, and I couldn't help thinking about Fifty Shades of Grey. In American Sniper the hero holds a girls hair back while she throws up and then cheerfully accepts her rejection. He does not carry her unconscious body back to a hotel and creepily watch her sleep. A movie that mostly takes place in a war zone is still 100 times more romantic than 50 Shades of Grey!
I just bought eye drops, but they made my pupils dilate a ton! Are they supposed to do that? I'm not sure I can use them at work because you shouldn't be on the computer when your eyes are dilated. Bleh. My coworker's always using eyedrops or rubbing his hands all over his face. Which makes me go Argh. I'd rub my face too cuz my eyes hurt, but FOUNDATION. Seriously. Ladies learn that we can't touch our faces unless it's in the early morning before we get made up or in the evening after we've washed our faces.
Meh. I don't think it's good to always be touching your face anyway.
In other news, I am also ready to be moving on to the next step in my career path. Whatever it is.
Good news for this week is I saw American Sniper on Sunday! I'm not sure how I feel about the movie. I was more interested in the sniper part than the America part. It certainly did feel rather whitewashed. The Chris Kyle character for the movie was strictly a self-sacrificing hero. However, the person I was with enjoyed the movie and thought it was the most badass story ever, so I also had a good time.
There was a scene in a bar, and I couldn't help thinking about Fifty Shades of Grey. In American Sniper the hero holds a girls hair back while she throws up and then cheerfully accepts her rejection. He does not carry her unconscious body back to a hotel and creepily watch her sleep. A movie that mostly takes place in a war zone is still 100 times more romantic than 50 Shades of Grey!
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Chocolate and so on...
It's a little late but I finally put some pictures of the chocolate I made on Facebook. I melded down the chocolate as usual and used the heart, star, and butterfly molds.
This year I also did something a little different and used these squares of white chocolate. I melted the tops a bit by holding them in hot water and then put this sticker thing on top that looks like a check pattern. Finally, I stuck a heart decoration on top with a bit of icing as glue. The stickers didn't all come out cleanly, but they look pretty cute!
Also, my chocolate stayed unmelted pretty well this year and didn't lose its shape once it got to room temperature. I think my melting technique is getting better.
This year I also did something a little different and used these squares of white chocolate. I melted the tops a bit by holding them in hot water and then put this sticker thing on top that looks like a check pattern. Finally, I stuck a heart decoration on top with a bit of icing as glue. The stickers didn't all come out cleanly, but they look pretty cute!
Also, my chocolate stayed unmelted pretty well this year and didn't lose its shape once it got to room temperature. I think my melting technique is getting better.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Exposition! It will kill your fantasy stories.
I hate exposition. dialog. I know it's unavoidable, but it just sucks the reality out of any story.
For example, I like the setting of Girl Genius, a popular webcomic. It's this weird steampunk world (which is hard to pull off) set in something that bears a vague resemblance to western Europe.
However, I find the pacing grating and its made worse by the fact that almost every single page is full of characters narrating and explaining what's going on. I.E. instead of interacting with each other or creating the illusion of fully fleshed out characters just going about their lives, they EXPLAIN EVERYTHING.
Every panel is "What's this thing do?" "It stops the effects of that thing!" "I thought that thing was unstoppable!" "No, because of this other thing!"
Or, "Why is that character doing X? I thought he always did Y!" "Yes, but he's probably doing X now to accomplish Z, which will keep the plot stalled for another fifty pages." "Should we worry about him?" "Maybe!"
I just want to scream SHOW DON'T TELL! a zillion times. And then cut out half the dialog on every page. Because comics = visual medium.
Now, people will tell me "The world is so complex and the characters are so multifaceted that we'll never know what's going on if they don't explain it to us at every turn!" I say Nope. Needing to explain in great detail why characters are doing what they are doing is a sign that the characters aren't detailed enough. We should just be able to see them react and make choices and think, "Of course she would do that. That's so her."
Imagine if in Star Wars the duel between Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi were narrated by the other characters.
"Why's he staying behind?"
"To buy us time, I guess."
"Who is that? Wait, how do they know each other?"
"Darth Vader was once his apprentice, who went to the dark side of the Force. He apparently wants revenge."
"This doesn't look good. He can't win!"
Imagine how this would totally kill the tension. Just because it's information doesn't mean you have to put it in the scene.
Take this page from Girl Genius
Essentially, all we're getting is exposition dialog from a sentient monster train. Every villain in the series is like this because every conflict consists of an over-the-top villain explaining everything in detail, the heroes arguing back, and plans and counter plans being put into motion while the cast explains everything in detail. The train doesn't monologue because of its character; the style of the comic doesn't allow for any other types of characters.
How much cooler would the first panel be if instead of explaining how it gets more powerful, the train actually ate some metal and then got bigger? Or if we could see the net breaking? The next two panels do absolutely nothing. The train literally says that its not going to say anything to the monks. Um, so why show it?
The bottom panels are all more exposition from the train, and an invitation to get some exposition in return from Agatha. At least we get to see Agatha's reaction a bit. I think the only line that sounds like a genuine character moment is Krosp the cat's request "Drop him again." It's just a thowaway joke, but at least it sounds like a real person reacting in the moment and not someone narrating or explaining what just happened.
Fantasy writers: Exposition does not make your world more real. It make it less real. In the real world, I don't understand squat about how things work. How often do my friends and I sit around debating how a microwave makes food hot?
NEVER. We just roll with it.
By all means work out the minor details of your world and how all your character arcs fit together, but there is absolutely no reason to tell us all or even most of the background details. When you shift the focus off of what the characters are doing and feeling onto how the world works or what exactly the plan is, all you're doing is reminding us that this stuff doesn't really make sense or that its weird for the characters to be acting the way they are.
As the Nostalgia Critic said, all stories have some plot holes. But a good story will work so well on an emotional level that we just don't focus on the minor details. We're totally absorbed in the what the characters are going through.
For this reason, I by far prefer fantasies that just throw you into the deep end with their world and expect you to learn to swim. Even if half the time they make no sense. When that's done well, it really pays off and makes the world and the characters feel so much more real. Like you're only seeing one part of a much larger whole, and you want to take in all you can.
Hmm, now I want to work some more on my own projects...
For example, I like the setting of Girl Genius, a popular webcomic. It's this weird steampunk world (which is hard to pull off) set in something that bears a vague resemblance to western Europe.
However, I find the pacing grating and its made worse by the fact that almost every single page is full of characters narrating and explaining what's going on. I.E. instead of interacting with each other or creating the illusion of fully fleshed out characters just going about their lives, they EXPLAIN EVERYTHING.
Every panel is "What's this thing do?" "It stops the effects of that thing!" "I thought that thing was unstoppable!" "No, because of this other thing!"
Or, "Why is that character doing X? I thought he always did Y!" "Yes, but he's probably doing X now to accomplish Z, which will keep the plot stalled for another fifty pages." "Should we worry about him?" "Maybe!"
I just want to scream SHOW DON'T TELL! a zillion times. And then cut out half the dialog on every page. Because comics = visual medium.
Now, people will tell me "The world is so complex and the characters are so multifaceted that we'll never know what's going on if they don't explain it to us at every turn!" I say Nope. Needing to explain in great detail why characters are doing what they are doing is a sign that the characters aren't detailed enough. We should just be able to see them react and make choices and think, "Of course she would do that. That's so her."
Imagine if in Star Wars the duel between Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi were narrated by the other characters.
"Why's he staying behind?"
"To buy us time, I guess."
"Who is that? Wait, how do they know each other?"
"Darth Vader was once his apprentice, who went to the dark side of the Force. He apparently wants revenge."
"This doesn't look good. He can't win!"
Imagine how this would totally kill the tension. Just because it's information doesn't mean you have to put it in the scene.
Take this page from Girl Genius
Essentially, all we're getting is exposition dialog from a sentient monster train. Every villain in the series is like this because every conflict consists of an over-the-top villain explaining everything in detail, the heroes arguing back, and plans and counter plans being put into motion while the cast explains everything in detail. The train doesn't monologue because of its character; the style of the comic doesn't allow for any other types of characters.
How much cooler would the first panel be if instead of explaining how it gets more powerful, the train actually ate some metal and then got bigger? Or if we could see the net breaking? The next two panels do absolutely nothing. The train literally says that its not going to say anything to the monks. Um, so why show it?
The bottom panels are all more exposition from the train, and an invitation to get some exposition in return from Agatha. At least we get to see Agatha's reaction a bit. I think the only line that sounds like a genuine character moment is Krosp the cat's request "Drop him again." It's just a thowaway joke, but at least it sounds like a real person reacting in the moment and not someone narrating or explaining what just happened.
Fantasy writers: Exposition does not make your world more real. It make it less real. In the real world, I don't understand squat about how things work. How often do my friends and I sit around debating how a microwave makes food hot?
NEVER. We just roll with it.
By all means work out the minor details of your world and how all your character arcs fit together, but there is absolutely no reason to tell us all or even most of the background details. When you shift the focus off of what the characters are doing and feeling onto how the world works or what exactly the plan is, all you're doing is reminding us that this stuff doesn't really make sense or that its weird for the characters to be acting the way they are.
As the Nostalgia Critic said, all stories have some plot holes. But a good story will work so well on an emotional level that we just don't focus on the minor details. We're totally absorbed in the what the characters are going through.
For this reason, I by far prefer fantasies that just throw you into the deep end with their world and expect you to learn to swim. Even if half the time they make no sense. When that's done well, it really pays off and makes the world and the characters feel so much more real. Like you're only seeing one part of a much larger whole, and you want to take in all you can.
Hmm, now I want to work some more on my own projects...
Saturday, January 31, 2015

On Saturday I got to have lunch with one of my English students and his family. They were all really cute. we made takoyaki together! Also they decorated the windows with the "menu" and wrote "Welcome, Stephanie." This is the first time I've ever been to their apartment.

Friday, January 16, 2015
Movies I Like: The Book of Life
On the plane back to Japan I was searching for movies of passable interest. I ended up selecting a cartoon called The Book of Life because even though it looked overwhelmingly goofy it had Guillermo del Toro's name attached to it. I figured at least the design would be interesting and I could turn it off if the characters got too annoying.
Actually I ended up enjoying it a lot. I don't think it's a great movie, but it's pretty good overall. If weird Mexican supernatural stuff doesn't turn you off, you can enjoy likeable characters fighting for honor, family, true love, and friendship.
The plot does get bogged down a little during the midpoint of the movie when I started wondering, "How exactly does this supernatural world work again? How did they know that thing was there exactly when they needed it? And no one did this before ever?" Also there's one character who's accent does not match at all with the accents of the other characters, but luckily he's not in the movie that much.
Some people on IMDB complained that there's too much time spent with the child characters before they grow up, but time overspent isn't necessarily time wasted. I think the kids are actually more enjoyable to watch than their adult counterparts. Also, all the important character traits are developed when you see the three main characters as kids so when you see them as adults their choices all feel very natural.
Another criticism is it's too fast paced. It did seem very lively to me, but I think it slows down enough in the dramatic moments that you can take it seriously. But that's just my opinion. Other people might find it annoying or feel like you don't get to enjoy the sets enough.
The main plot is that two gods make a bet concerning a group of three children, as to which of two young boys will end up marrying the girl, their childhood friend. And the story follows the choices they make as adults, with some added trickery on the part of the less scrupulous god.
La Muerte and Xibalba. I don't know why he looks like Discord from My Little Pony. |
That setup alone feels very mythic to me because it's an eternal question. What makes us attracted to someone? (By the way La Muerte totally calls it in the first 30 seconds. Girls do tend to go for the sensitive musician.) Also, the three humans maintain their friendship all through the movie, showing respect and honesty in what's frankly an awkward situation. All the main characters are very likeable, and the side characters are pretty funny and memorable as well.
The movie makes a point of subverting any potentially inappropriate themes from Spanish/Mexican culture. For example, even though one character is a bull fighter he is much too kind-hearted to actually kill any bulls. Also, though much of the plot concerns a love triangle, the woman obviously chooses according to her own preferences and not because one of the suitors happened to do the right combination of heroic feats. Neither man is interested in anything less than her free and sincere affection.
So I guess I would recommend this movie to anyone who's a del Toro fan, and if you're not turned off by a weird supernatural stuff (i.e. if you like Coraline). Friendship! Swordfights! Characters that look like bizarre wooden dolls! What's not to enjoy?
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Makeup Review: Somehow I Actually Like CC Cream
So I didn’t do a lot of sightseeing or anything actually
interesting over winter break. Most of my time was spent going to the doctor,
dentist, and orthodontist.
(Luckily, the only major health problem they found was a
vitamin D deficiency. Other than that, I have the option of doing some surgery
in the future to correct my jaw/profile. Same me, better face?)
Other than that I spent my time shopping and generally
going, “Hmmm no one’s going to be pissed if I just goof off, so tell me again
why I should do anything productive?”
I found some nice clothes at Macy’s, but I also spent some
time looking at the makeup selections in America (Ulta is a great store for
makeup) and ended up finding something really good, totally by accident.
The product I’m excited about right now is JuiceBeaty’s Stem
Cellular Repair CC Cream. I wasn’t looking for CC cream at the time; I was
browsing the moisturizers. I’ve never even used CC cream or BB cream before.
I only found out about CC and BB cream this year when I
started researching moisturizers and serums. And my reaction was pretty much “Meh…”
Essentially, these creams are supposed to do some moisturizing and also double
as foundation and sunscreen (among other things). Which sounded good to me at
first, but I just kept wondering, “Does one cream really do any of those things
as well as the products especially designed for them? Is skipping a few steps
really worth using a less effective version of sunscreen and moisturizer?”
Also, unlike foundations CC and BB creams usually come in
too colors: Awful Doesn’t Match At All and Even Awfuller. Yeah. I already can’t
find a foundation that matches when I’ve got 30 tints in each brand to choose
from. The chances a One Shade Fits Most actually working seemed pretty nil.
There are CC creams that are sheer, but that’s just not
worth the effort to me. Why slap on something that kinda moisturizes and kinda
hides flaws but doesn’t actually give you a base, but might make your base look
better? No thanks. I already have enough layers of gunk to put on my skin.
As I was browsing through the various moisturizing products
I noticed this sort of organic-y looking brand called JuiceBeauty, which I hadn’t
seen before. They use a lot plant and citrus ingredients. I wasn’t too
impressed with their ingredients for the moisturizers, since I was looking for
stuff with hyalonic acid, collagen, and royal jelly. (Which I didn’t find.
Boo.) But their CC cream interested me.
This is the bottle. I took the cap off so you could see what the dispenser looks like. Pretty easy to use. I apply it with my fingers because I'm lazy. |
First off, anything with “repair” in the label seemed
promising to me. Also, the lighter of their two tints (it’s always two) seemed
like it might match my skin. So I tried the sample on the inside of my wrist.
And lo and behold—it blended in and disappeared!!!! I couldn’t even really find
the place where I had tested it. That never happens when I try foundation.
So I decided, “Eh, it’s expensive, but I like this enough to
give it a go. Maybe it will be less cakey than a regular liquid foundation.”
And now I’m really glad I tried it because it feels so much better than the
foundation I was using. Foundation, even powder foundation, always gets in the
lines in my face and makes them stand out more—as if the point of makeup isn’t
to cover up signs of aging. But when
I apply the CC cream—even with some sheer powder over it, my lines don’t stand
out any more than when I’m not wearing a base at all. And yet it still improves
my skin tone. I didn’t know that was possible.
Maybe someday I’ll find a foundation that gives really good
coverage but don’t look like I’ve painted my face and won’t get stuck in my
wrinkles. But for now there’s not many occasions where I can’t get by with the
natural look, so I’m sticking to using the CC cream as my base, sometimes with powder
foundation over it. My method right now is to
spend a ton of time on skin care prep and then only do a little bit of actually
makeup. Instead of trying to cover up and distract from tired skin, the idea is
to improve the skin’s overall condition so there’s less to distract from.
So overall I give JuiceBeauty a thumbs-up because their
product worked for me, and maybe I’ll try something else from them in the
future. A quick rundown of pros and cons:
1. You
get what you pay for. $40.00 for 50 ml is pretty steep. It might be better not
to use it every day and switch off with something cheaper. Recently I’ve been
more willing to spend money on higher quality makeup. Life is too short to
spend smearing crappy stuff on your face.
2. When
I first opened the tube my nostrils got a shock. DO NOT buy this if you hate
citrus. The smell does wear off, but I always feel like my hands and face smell
like lime for several minutes.
3. Not
a foundation. Not a concealer. If you need heavy-duty correction, like to cover
acne or discoloration, or scars, this is not for you. (At least, not by itself. I don’t know how it
works with other products on top.) When it’s on, you’ll barely even notice it. Which
can be disappointing when you’ve paid that much.
4. It’s
not cakey in general, but it does stick a little bit on my eyelids. Also, it is liquid so it does have a shine if you don't put powder on top.
1. Really
does conceal fine lines.
2. I
don’t know if it’s actually repairing any cells, but it certainly is gentle on
my skin.
3. I
don’t look like a pancake! Or a…powdered donut?
4. Easy
to apply with my fingers.
5. 30
SPF isn’t bad.
6. Actually
freakin’ matches my skin. My face is the same color as the rest of me.
7. Lasts
all day. And if it does wear off a bit, you can’t really tell.
8. Even
though it’s not specifically for dry skin, it is moisturizing and seems to work
well with the moisturizers I’m using.
9. Did
I mention that it gives me an even skin tone but I don’t look like there’s gunk
on my face?
So this is my try doing a makeup
review. Maybe later I’ll write about some other products I use and would
Sunday, January 4, 2015
This isn't exactly In Japan because I'm in America but anyway it's my first post for the new year.
Best thing about my trip home: Shopping!
Worst thing about my trip home: Getting killer allergic reaction to antibiotics which has resulted in a rash all over my body. I came home to get medication for a rash on my legs, and the medication resulted in a more serious condition.
Why does something always happen before I have to take a 10 hour overseas plane flight?
Best thing about my trip home: Shopping!
Worst thing about my trip home: Getting killer allergic reaction to antibiotics which has resulted in a rash all over my body. I came home to get medication for a rash on my legs, and the medication resulted in a more serious condition.
Why does something always happen before I have to take a 10 hour overseas plane flight?
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